Flatlander Podcast

Episode 39: Furharvesting and Trapping

Episode 39

In Kansas, the term "furbearers" encompasses a number of species, including badger, bobcat, beaver, gray fox, red fox, swift fox, mink, muskrat, opossum, otter, raccoon, striped skunk, and weasel. With abundant furbearer populations throughout most of Kansas, furharvesting opportunities abound. In fact, furbearers are probably one of our most under-utilized natural resources, and the benefits of their harvest are numerous. Regulated furharvesting during the legal seasons​ serves as the primary means of furbearer population and damage control.

Flatlander hosts Tanna and Lyndzee sit down with James Svaty, KDWP wildlife biologist, to talk about​ the biological impact of trapping ​as well as the cultural and social importance of furharvesting in the lifestyles of many participants.

Tanna Fanshier, Lyndzee Rhine

KDWP Furharvesting Information

  • Kansas Furharvesting Licenses and Permits
  • Regulations
  • Kansas Furbearers
  • Best Management Practices

Furharvester Education Certificate
KDWP Hunting and Furharvesting Regulations Summary
KDWP Commission Meetings

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Follow the Kansas Wildlife Federation on Facebook and Instagram.