Flatlander Podcast

Episode 40: Migratory and Shorebirds at Cheyenne Bottoms

Episode 40

Hey Flatlanders! Join us today as we learn about the many species of birds that call Cheyenne Bottoms home. Tanna and Lyndzee are joined on location at the Kansas Wetlands Education Center by Dr. Robert Penner, The Nature Conservancy, and Jason Wagner, Kansas Wildlife and Parks, to talk about shorebirds and migratory birds.

Tanna Fanshier, Lyndzee Rhine

KDWP Waterfowl Report
Pocket Guide - Shorebirds and Migratory Birds
Cheyenne Bottoms
Kansas Wetlands Education Center
Kansas Birding Facebook Group
Sandhill Crane Identification Test
Sandhill Crane Regulations
Duck Stamp

Follow the Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks on Facebook and Instagram.

Follow the Kansas Wildlife Federation on Facebook and Instagram.